Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions of Research and Recommendation Services
Terms and conditions of Research and Recommendation Services are detailed in the terms and condition document. Please refer to the same for details.

Disciplinary history

  • No penalties / directions have been issued by SEBI under the SEBI Act or Regulations made there under against the Research Analyst relating to Research Analyst services.
  • There are no pending material litigations or legal proceedings, findings of inspections or investigations for which action has been taken or initiated by any regulatory authority against the Research Analyst or its employees.

Details of associates
No associates

Disclosures with respect to Research and Recommendations Services

  • Research Analyst may have financial interest or actual / beneficial ownership in the securities recommended in its personal portfolio. Details of the same may be referred through the disclosures made at the time of advice.
  • There are no actual or potential conflicts of interest arising from any connection to or association with any issuer of products/ securities, including any material information or facts that might compromise its objectivity or independence in the carrying on of Research Analyst services. Such conflict of interest shall be disclosed to the client as and when they arise.
  • Research Analyst or its employee or its associates have not received any compensation from the subject company in past 12 months.
  • Research Analyst or its employee or its associates have not managed or co-managed the public offering of Subject Company in past 12 months.
  • Research Analyst or its employee or its associates have received any compensation for investment banking or merchant banking of brokerage services from the subject company in past 12 months.
  • Research Analyst or its employee or its associates have not received any compensation for products or services other than above from the subject company in past 12 months.
  • Research Analyst or its employee or its associates have not received any compensation or other benefits from the Subject Company or 3rd party in connection with the research report/ recommendation.
  • The subject company was not a client of Research Analyst or its employee or its associates during twelve months preceding the date of distribution of the research report and recommendation services provided.
  • Research Analysts or its employee or its associates has not served as an officer, director or employee of the subject company.
  • Research Analysts has not been engaged in market making activity of the subject company.

Most Important Terms and Conditions

  • 1. The terms and conditions and the consent thereon are for the research services provided by the RA and RA cannot execute or carry out any trade (purchase/sell transaction) on behalf of the client. Thus, you are advised not to permit the Research Analyst to execute any trade on their behalf. To review the details of Most Important Terms and Conditions (MITC), please refer to the MITC section of our website: Terms Condition
  • 2. The fee charged by Investobazar Wealth Nivesh Pvt. Ltd. to you will be subject to the maximum of amount prescribed by SEBI/ Research Analyst Administration and Supervisory Body (RAASB) from time to time (applicable only for Individual and HUF Clients).
    • Note: 2.1. The current fee limit is Rs 1,51,000/- per annum per family of client for all research services of the Investobazar Wealth Nivesh Pvt. Ltd.
    • 2.2. The fee limit does not include statutory charges.
    • 2.3. The fee limits do not apply to a non-individual client / accredited investor.
  • 3. Investobazar Wealth Nivesh Pvt. Ltd. may charge fees in advance if agreed by the you. Such advance shall not exceed the period stipulated by SEBI; presently it is one quarter. In case of pre-mature termination of the Investobazar Wealth Nivesh Pvt. Ltd. services by either the client or by our side, the client shall be entitled to seek refund of proportionate fees only for unexpired period.
  • 4. Fees to Investobazar Wealth Nivesh Pvt. Ltd. may be paid by the client through any of the specified modes like cheque, online bank transfer, UPI, etc. Cash payment is not allowed. Optionally the client can make payments through Centralized Fee Collection Mechanism (CeFCoM) managed by BSE Limited (i.e. currently recognized RAASB).
  • 5. Traders/Investors in the services are not being offered any guaranteed/assured returns. Past performance of the services does not indicate/guarantee of the future performance or return for any of the services.
  • 6. We never provide service like profit sharing, guaranteed profit, sure shot, Jackpot etc. Trading & investments are subject to market risks.
  • 7. Traders/Investors in the services are not being offered any guaranteed/assured returns. Past performance of the services does not indicate/guarantee of the future performance or return for any of the services.
  • 8. The SEBI registration, Enlistment with RAASB, and NISM certification do not guarantee the performance of the RA or assure any returns to the client.
  • 9. For any grievances,
  • Step 1: the client should first contact the Investobazar Wealth Nivesh Pvt. Ltd. by using below mentioned details:
    Contact details: +91-8878875756 or can write us an E-mail at compliance@investobazar.com For more details regarding grievance-related matters, please refer to the grievance redressal section of our website: investobazar.com
  • Step 2: If the resolution is unsatisfactory, the client can also lodge grievances through SEBI’s SCORES platform at www.scores.sebi.gov.in
  • Step 3: The client may also consider the Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) through the Smart ODR portal at smartodr.in
  • 10. Clients are required to keep contact details, including email id and mobile number/s updated with the us at all times.
  • 11. Investobazar Wealth Nivesh Pvt. Ltd. RA shall never ask for the client’s login credentials and OTPs for the client’s Trading Account Demat Account and Bank Account. Never share such information with anyone including us.